TARPAN - ITALY Machines for optaining pratzels TORELLO Double click on above image to view full picture

TARPAN - ITALY Machines for optaining pratzels TORELLO

The automatic line for bagels is a machine which allows a non - stop process of production, by means of an extruder drawing the doughand of a moulder making the bagels.
The drawing is the result of a pressure extrusion of the dough. These strings are then layed on a unbroken con veyor belt and cut by a guillotine - shaped cutting set.
This making of the bagels or of other ring - shaped products is due to the moulder, which allows an excellent toroidal closing by a radial pressure on the ends of the dough strings.
This line is designed and built for a new process of production which allows the use of a dough with a consistency until 65% of humidity, according to the flour type.
The final products is therefore tastier and more fragrant, and it keeps the charateristic of a hand - made products.
Tarpan company crowns the production line by manufacturing a series of accessories and component, in order to satisfy all their customers demands:
Types: Torello 400,600,800,1000,1200
Inapoi la Machines for obtaining bagels
Dimensions type machine: 400 mm
Machine lenght without authomatic trays: 800 mm
Maximum lenght + scorriteglie: 2800 + 1500 mm
Maximum width: 1200 mm
Maximum height: 1800 mm
Weight: 640 Kg
Maximum productivity/h: 80 cicle/min
Productivity: 140 Kg/h

Dimensions type machine: 600 mm
Machine lenght without authomatic trays:1800 mm
Maximum lenght + scorriteglie: 3000 + 1500 mm
Maximum width:1450 mm
Maximum height: 1800 mm
Weight: 850 Kg
Maximum productivity/h: 100 cicle/min
Productivity: 200 Kg/h
