Glazing and drying line for marbeld sugar glaze
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Glazing and drying line for marbeld sugar glaze

Glazing and drying line - finished products with a marbled surface.
Pan Adami domestic production.
The steel used is AISI 304 for the food industry.
Top quality finishes.
For gingerbread glaze.
It is executed under a project, depending on the space needed and productivity.
Inapoi la Pan Adami Production
▪ Power supply - 380V
▪ Total electric power installed - 35 kW
Total electrical power can be supplemented with up to 5 KW depending on the quality glaze
▪ Productivity - min 2000 kg/8 hours for 15 to 16 gr/finished product.

Line consists of:
- Plant for optaining sugar glaze
- Complete rotary glazing system
- 2 drying zones consisting of overlapping tapes with adjustable speed, devided as:
- Zone 1 - Warm air ventilation: +50*C/+60*C
- Zone 2 - Cold air ventilation: 0*C/+4*C
- Dry product picking tape.
