WP - GERMANY Modular oven STORE
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WP - GERMANY Modular oven STORE

Suitable for: bread rolls, bread, especially stone oven bread, baguettes, soft pretzels, danish pastries, yeast-raised pastries, puff pastries, snacks, cakes, butter cake, frozen goods.
Different products with different baking times and temperatures can be baked at the same time. Every deck is independent and fused separately. With the modular system the baking station can be assembled pecisely to suit the customer's capacity and quality requirements.
Inapoi la Modular ovens
External dimensions: 930x980x1320 mm
Number of trays/Trays dimensions: 4x600x400 mm
Weight: 520 Kg
Automated baking program with fully programmble baking stages.
Actual data recording to optimise programs.
Screen operation via the Internet.
Individual ovens can be networked.
Easy to clean.
Water treatment system.
Modular system: station can be assembled in many different ways.